
Sheraton Hotel Opens in China

1 min de lecture

Publié le 23/07/12 - Mis à jour le 17/03/22

Starwood Hotels & Resorts has announced the opening of its first hotel under the brand Sheraton in the new district of Jiaozhou in China, as part of its plans for development in Asia and the introduction of the brand in second- and third-tier cities.

The new 270-bedroom hotel located near Qingdao city in the Shandong is owned by Qingdao Greentown Jiaozhou Bay Real Estate Development Company. By expanding in the rapidly-developing city of Jiaozhou, the group improves its strategic positioning in the area.Strong demand in China is behind the group’s impressive portfolio, which includes the Great Wall Sheraton in Beijing, the first international brand hotel in the country.The group plans to open a dozen more hotels in the country before the end of the year.

Marriott International

Marriott International

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