In an effort to appreal to a younger demographic more sensitive to a musical repertoire, Yotel created the post of Sound Architect
Yotel entrusted Tom Middleton to to fill the post of Sound Architect. His past collaborations have included Lady Gaga and Snoop Dogg. His duties will include...Yotel CEO Gerard Greene states, "Yotel redefines the hotel experience in many ways and the sensory offering is as important as the price and location;this Sound Architecture would complement that transitional nature of hotel from breakfast to work space to dancing and cocktails.”-* to programme hotel music in different zones -* host parties -* organize musical performances for guestsYotel CEO Gerard Greene states, "Yotel redefines the hotel experience in many ways and the sensory offering is as important as the price and location;this Sound Architecture would complement that transitional nature of hotel from breakfast to work space to dancing and cocktails.”