With 42.2 billion euros in revenues from tourism in 2013, France confirms position in third place after Spain and the United States.
According to a recent report from the Direction Générale des Entreprises (DGE, formerly the DGCIS), the destination recorded 42.2 billion euros in revenues from foreign visitors in 2013. In Spain this figure reaches 45.5 billion euros for 60.7 million foreign visitors, and in the United States it is 105.1 billion euros for 69.8 million international tourists.
In France, tourism has posted a surplus balance of 10.3 billion euros, resulting from the difference between the 42.2 billion euros in revenues from foreign visitors to France and the 31.9 billion euros spent by French nationals traveling abroad.
Globally speaking, tourism in France represented 7.4% of the Gross National Product (GNP) in 2013, the French account for 5% and foreign visitors for 2.4%. National tourism consumption is thus 157 billion euros, up by 1.4%. This growth is more evident concerning foreign tourists (+2.3%) than French tourists (+1%). Spending in cafés and restaurants has increased significantly while spending at hotels remains stable.