The Super 8 Worldwide economy brand today announced the opening of its 2,200th hotel: the 59-room Super 8 Hotel Lhasa DuoDiLu in China.
The hotel is an example of the brand’s aggressive expansion in the country, since its entrance into China in 2004. In seven years, the brand has grown its presence in the country to include 275 hotels.The Super 8 Hotel Lhasa DuoDiLu has 59 rooms and is owned by Tibet Tian Yi Hotel Management Co., Ltd.In addition to its expansion in China, the brand announced a deal in March that will bring a minimum of 10 Super 8 hotels to Poland over the next five years. The deal marks the entrance of the Super 8 brand into Europe.The Super 8 Hotel Lhasa DuoDiLu has 59 rooms and is owned by Tibet Tian Yi Hotel Management Co., Ltd.