}}{{ADDRESS: }} Hospitality ON - 50 rue Dombasle - Paris - France _ Tel : + 33 (0)1 56 56 87 87 _ webmedia@hospitality-on.com-* President, CEO and Publishing Director: Georges PanayotisContact: g.panayotis@mkg-group.com{{EDITORIAL TEAM:}}-* Chief editor: Bruno Courtin -* News Department and Reporters: Claire Tardy, Michelle Astengo_ Contact: webeditors@hospitality-on.com{{ADVERTISING / CLASSIFIED ADS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY:}}_ Contact: websales@hospitality-on.com{{MKG EVENTS:}}_ For any further information on MKG events, the Worldwide Hospitality Awards and the Global Lodging Forum: _ Contact : events@mkg-group.com or by telephone : +33 (0)1 56 56 87 95{{MKG PRODUCTS:}}_ For any further information on MKG products: _ Contact : welcome@mkg-group.com or by telephone : +33 (0)1 56 56 87 87{{ WEB / PRESS RELATIONS / COMMUNICATION / MARKETING / RIGHTS & REPRODUCTIONS:}}-* Manager: Vanguélis Panayotis_ Contact: webmedia@hospitality-on.com{{WEBMASTER:}}_ Contact: webmedia@hospitality-on.com
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