After two years of recession in 2012/2013, Slovenia went back to positive GDP growth in 2014 (+2.6%) and posted another increase (+2.2%) in 2016. This trend is supported by private consumption, up 2.1 %, driven by a very low inflation and the fall in unemployment (8.4% in 2016, from 9% in 2015).
Key figures
12 %
Contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP in 2016
The country seeks to promote tourism, spa resort and the natural assets of the country -until recently largely unknown- by positioning itself as a green and alternative tourism destination. The tourist appeal of the country is indeed high and the sector contributes to 12% of the country's GDP. In 2015, international arrivals in Slovenia rose by more than 300,000 from than the previous year and they rose by 60 % between 2007 and 2015.
International arrivals account for 70% of overnights and more than 50% are generated by Europeans (mainly Italian, Austrian and German) guests. Asian visitors generate 6.8% of overnights, mainly through sightseeing tours.
One third of overnights are spent in spas and municipalities welcoming spa activities. A quarter of overnights take place in the mountains and a little less than another quarter on the small coastline.