Over the 2012 year, marked by the organization of the Olympics, Great Britain recorded an increase of 1% of visitors and 4% in tourist spending, compared to 2011.
The primary feeder markets remain the neighboring countries, with France at the head of the list. In total, 3.8 million French crossed the Manche in 2012 (as opposed to 3.6 million in 2011), spending 1.5 billion pounds, 30% more than last year. Germany, the United Sates, the Republic of Ireland, and the Netherlands complete the top 5.
Great Britain also improved its popularity in emerging countries, notably on the Chinese market. Chinese visits (179 000 visitors) and spending (300 million pounds) increased by 20% and 25% respectively. Australians and visitors from the UAE were also pulverized their records, just as Canadians, Danes, Portuguese, and Swiss.
"With record registered in certain markets, one could say that 2012 was a very good year for international tourism. From now on, our task consists in capitalizing on the impact in terms of the image of the 2012 Olympics to attract even more visitors this year and during the years to come. On the 2020 horizon, the United Kingdom should welcome40 million foreign visitors for estimated revenues of 31.5 billion pounds per year", said Sandie Dawe, CEO of VisitBritain.