According to a study realized by the European Travel Commission, international arrivals in Europe have grown once again by 5.4% in 2013.
International tourism continues to grow in Europe. The number of arrivals on the continent progressed by 5.4% in 2013, confirming the positive trend observed over the previous four years. The study realized by the European Travel Commission reveals that 50% of its arrivals came from eight supply markets. Germany is in the lead, with 14% of the total, followed by the United Kingdom with 9%. Russia follows in the ranking with France, then the Netherlands, Italy and then United States bringing up the rear. In terms of growth in number of tourist arrivals, Russia realized the best performance in 2013 (+13%), while the United Kingdom and Germany post modest growth.
The European Travel Commission expects continuing growth in number of international arrivals in Europe in the years to come, by around 3.8% between 2013 and 2016. German, British and American markets should contribute significantly.