

Impact of the Greek crisis on last minute reservations

2 min reading time

Published on 09/07/15 - Updated on 23/10/24

Santorin, Grèce

Although tourists have not deserted the destination and are actually numerous to visit the country, the Greek Tourism Organization has observed a 30% drop in last minute bookings.

Greece continues negociations for a bailout deal for its debt and its banks shouldn't open their doors before July 14th next week, nonetheless, the French Syndicat des Entreprises du Tour Operating (Seto) observed a normal situation at clubs and hotels at the destination. Tourists do not appear to have deserted the country in light of all the difficulties it's experiencing, nonetheless sector professionals are beginning to see what could well be the initial consequences of the situation on Greek tourism.

According to the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE), last minute reservations at the destination fell by 30% since the call for a referendum on the country's bailout plan, in the night from June 26 to 27. This drop represents a loss of close to 300,000 tourists. The professional organization also expressed its fears regarding the prolongued closure of banks, which causes problems with liquidity, and the potential difficulties supplying properties with food if the situation does not improve in the weeks to come.

Prior to the referendum, Andreas Andreadis, President of SETE, already shared his concerns regarding the consequences that the crisis could have on Greece's tourism industry, and hoped to find a rapid solution to the situation. Today the country's Prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, shall present his proposals for reform to creditors to obtaina new loan from them.

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  • Will Greek tourism pay a high price for the country's "No"?
  • 2014: a record year for Greek tourism
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