This is just latest in a string of events that show that the dice are not rolling for the North American Casino Capital.
Hositality-on reported this morning that the Plaza Hotel Project will not see the light of day. Hooters Hotel and Casino is also a casualty of the economic downturn that is hitting Las Vegas. The Hooters hotel-casino in Las Vegas will we sold in an auction under a deal disclosed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Tuesday. The 696-room property just off the Las Vegas Strip, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization and protection on Aug. 1.Hositality-on reported this morning that the Plaza Hotel Project will not see the light of day. Hooters Hotel and Casino is also a casualty of the economic downturn that is hitting Las Vegas. The Hooters hotel-casino in Las Vegas will we sold in an auction under a deal disclosed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Tuesday. The 696-room property just off the Las Vegas Strip, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization and protection on Aug. 1.