Cuba is trying to develop its tourist activity and plans to develop a vast hotel complex with 16,000 rooms in Cienfuegos, the port city located in the south, by 2030.
This infrastructure is planned in the areas between Rancho Luna and Pasacaballos and between Playa Inglés and La Tatagua, where the construction of resorts, villas and a golf course are under study. A hotel complex is also expected on the small island of Cayo Carenas. Finally, a water park and a cruise ship terminal have been proposed near La Punta.
Cuban authorities affirm that private investors are already on the hunt and are studying the feasibility of the project and its potential through market studies. Investors were certainly expecting significant improvement in diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United states, while last December, President Barack Obama met his Cubain homologue Raul Castro in Panama to discuss making the rules of the American embargo more flexible.