The California Hotel & Lodging Association (CH&LA) elected its 2012 Board of Directors at its annual meeting last Wednesday, November 30th.
The results are the following:Additionally, four new members were elected to the Board of Directors for 2012. René Boskoff of the Monterey Marriott Hotel, Dave Britton of the Holiday Inn Torrance, Bill Gunderson of the Anaheim Marriott Hotel and Bruce Abney of the El Morocco Inn, representing the California Association of Bed & Breakfast Inns (CABBI), which is part of CH&LA.-* The 2012 chair will be Rick Anderson of the Casa Tropicana Inn, San Clemente; -* Allan Farwell, Hyatt Grand Champions Resort & Spa (Vice Chair); -* Bimal Patel, CHA, Concept Hotels (Secretary/Treasurer); -* Pam Richardson, CHA, Barmaper & Associates (Immediate Past Chairperson) and; -* Lynn Mohrfeld, CAE is the President & CEO of CH&LA.Additionally, four new members were elected to the Board of Directors for 2012. René Boskoff of the Monterey Marriott Hotel, Dave Britton of the Holiday Inn Torrance, Bill Gunderson of the Anaheim Marriott Hotel and Bruce Abney of the El Morocco Inn, representing the California Association of Bed & Breakfast Inns (CABBI), which is part of CH&LA.