Following the Friday's attacks in Paris, hotel and restaurant professionals are showing solidarity in the defense of their values.
The professional organization calls for the defense of the industry's values: "The only response to terrorism it to rise back up and show we are alive and that we will continue to defend the values of life, conviviality, sharing, diversity, French savoir-vivre, that are the values of our profession. This is why, after these 3 days of national mourning that it is important to respect in homage to the victims and their families, we sound out a loud message to our members and all the profession to keep their hotels, restaurants, bistros, cafés and terraces open open. It is a kind of resistance in response to this violence that tried to attack the fundamental values of our culture. Starting immediately, the sector is creating a support fund for those individuals and families affected by this tragedy. Our clients', employees', and properties' safety is our priority today. Also, we are asking business leaders on the sector to adopt the new positions of the high-alert Vigipirate plan. At the same time, the UMIH asked Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of Internal Affairs, to honor our Congrès national de Bordeaux with his presence in order to discuss the safety measures that need to be taken."
The Syndicat National des Hôteliers, Restaurateurs, Cafetiers et Traiteurs (Synhorcat), also makes a call for meditation on and the defense of "living freely", through the operation "Tous au bistrot mardi soir !" (Everyone to the bistro Tuesday!). "Last Friday, unprecedented attacks targeted our friends, compatriots, clients of our businesses, some of whom were seated at the terraces of our Parisian cafés and restaurants. Our lifestyles were targeted, the identity of our country and our culture, the joy of living together. We are all very determined grant nothing, change nothing in our habits and customs and continue to live freely. To show our support to all those who were affected, and to attest to our determination with respect to those we are challenging today, we invite you on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 9pm to stand, together with your clients, on all the terraces of our cafés and restaurants to observe a minute of silence. That we might convince them that our hearts cry for our dead, but we will never accept to bear the yolk of their brutality," declares Didier Chenet, president for the GNI-Synhorcat, on the organization's website.
Moreover, it explains that "fooding" has prepared a logo to communicate about the event , that asks hotels to kindly put in thee menus at their properties.
Also read:
- Terrorist attacks in Paris: impact on the hotel industry